Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Combat Email threats to protect your information

When checking mails in your inbox understanding them is the most important step towards protecting you from malware infections. You should enable view file extensions to check if these belong to any of the well known malware categories and are able to take control of your system. Ofcourse google is always there for searching if you suspect the files attached in your mails are malware.

Never open an executable file type from anyone unless you have requested that file, espeically since malware will typically come from someone you know. Anytime you would like to receive an exe or zip file, then request your friends or colleagues to rename the extension of the file and send it to you. Delete key is your best friend for suspicious attachments and mails. Don't think when you need to use it.

Always patch your systems and check for updates. Preferable would be to use systems that provide push updates rather than clients looking for updates. Windows update does look for updates when a machine is restarted or may be even logged in. Updates must be checked at least once in a day. I hardly know any softwares that provide push updates. Hope the major antimalware companies would shift to push updates rather than pull options.

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