Thursday, March 25, 2010

Malware file types you should be aware of

Malware authors want money, and the easiest way to get it is to steal it from you.

They lure you into clicking on different types of files infected by malware. You must not click on files which you do not trust is from a good source like executable, Microsoft office documents, Adobe pdfs or compressed zip files. These files could be delivered through no.of channels like social engineering through Instant messengers, peer to peer networks, enterprise network file sharing, USB devices.

Malwares are also delivered in the form of downloadable flash games, simple graphic design animations, powerpoint slides. If you don't execute these files your system will not be infected by malware.

Some familiar files that are being used as malware on windows platform are:

.exe, .pdf, .flv, .doc, .ppt, .xls, .bat

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